v1.04, rebalance & QoL update

Hello everyone! Patch 1.04 is up, and it features some significant rebalancing. Also, as many people have complained asked for this, Skill Licenses now have a short description of the skill. Now, on to the actual notes.

-Skill Licenses now have a short description of the skill in their info.
-Changed the Dilettante to gain a passive skill showing what their current bonus stat is.
-Drunken Master's "Chug!" skill now functions as intended.
-All Gunners can now remove effects of their Ammo skills with "Standard Ammo"
-Archmagic common events and costs properly assigned, so the Archmage class now functions as intended.
-Mana cost reduction from the buffs Proker and Prokeross provide changed to -50% from -20%.
-Fixed text in Accursed One and Cursed Mage "Cursed Caster" skill. Functionality unchanged.
-Races (Elf, Skeleton, Tengu) & Classes (Adventurer, Bard, Kensei) that are resistant/immune to certain debuffs are now appropriately resistant/immune to the respective Curse effects and the Taboo User's "Oblivion" skill penalties.
-The Blackguard's skill "Vow of Deceit" now properly removes buffs.
-The Doomsayer's "Foretell" skill now costs 8 Mp instead of 6, and works after 3 turns instead of 5.
-The Hero's "Critical Force" skill now multiplies stats by 3.5 instead of 2.
-The Inquisitor's "Condemn" skill now deals +33% more damage, and lowers the users ARM by -25% instead of -40%.
-The Sage's "Fastcast" skill lowers stats by -35% instead of -50%.
-The Sniper's "Sureshot" skill now also increases AGI by +25% and no longer costs Mp.
-The Spellbow's various "X Ench." skills now also increase their own AGI & LOG by +10% while active.
-The Storyteller's "Shush" skill now costs 14 Mp instead of 8, stuns instead of silences, and actually doesn't work on bosses.
-The Summoner's "Empower Bond" skill now costs 6 Mp instead of 3, lasts for 3 turns, and will happen early in the turn.
-The Survivalist's "Scavenge" skill now increases Hp & Mp Regen by 8% instead of 5%.
-The Taboo User's "Engorge" skill now doesn't last a certain number of turns.
-The Tempest's "Krieg" skill now costs 8 Mp instead of 10.
-Giant's SPD modifier changed from -40% to +30%.
-Ogres now get -20% to their Mp costs, & their Accuracy modifier changed to -25% from -33%.
-Tengu debuff resistance changed to 50% from 40%.
-Void Children no longer have a penalty to Recovery.
-Players now start with 10 G in their inventory.

I have also uploaded an FAQ that should help those who are curious exactly what skills each class grants, and what stats/adjustments each race gets. Thank you all for your support!


FAQ.txt 66 kB
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