A downloadable minor trauma for Windows

This is a small game I made for the 40th Ludum Dare game jam. 

I was originally going to make a very over-the-top RPG, but that's standard for me anyway, so I ended up making a game about mental health.

The further you go through with therapy, the more of 'yourself' you recover, which literally manifests as more selves. More skills are gained, as well as more people to use the skills. However, sometimes during skill usage these selves may bring up insecurities of theirs that cause problems.

I intended to have 55 levels, but only got to about 10 before feeling burnt out and getting close to the deadline anyway. You'll at least understand what I was going for with what's finished. I learned a lot from this, and will release a completed version in the future.

Expect a playthrough to take 10-20 minutes, depending on your reading speed and how you use skills.
Thank you for looking, and I hope you enjoy!

EDIT: Fixed a couple issues with how enemies weren't being processed properly. If you downloaded this and had problems, please try out the new version and let me know if they persist.


M&M&M&M.zip 135 MB
M&M&M&M Source.zip 256 MB

Install instructions

Download & program instructions:
1. Click the download button below.
2. Once the file has finished downloading, unzip the folder.
3. It should ask you where to extract the game folder to. Pick someplace where you'll remember the game is (My Documents, for example).
4. Once that is finished, open the 'M&M&M&M' folder.
5. Double-click on 'Game.exe'.


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Very interesting premise.

The more you fight, the more skills you gain, and the more options you have to consider because some skills have negative effects.

It was a very introspective and somber experience, but I liked it.