So, release

Hello everyone. So, full game's supposed to be out today, and there is an updated build, but it's not the full game. There's several levels that I pasted a "Do Not Enter" event over, and basically testing today went about as badly as it could have. There was also the fact that about half the dialogue that I thought was in was actually in. No one to blame but myself, and I understand if people are upset about the game not being finished.

If there's a silver lining in all of this, its that it's Tuesday and there's still a few days before the weekend. If you want to play the current version, I'd appreciate the help with testing and feedback. If you want to wait until the weekend, my first priority is getting more levels playable through to the end of the game, and then working on fixing the past levels. After that will be combat balance, then making cutscenes/levels look more fleshed out, and then quality of life adjustments.

I cannot apologize for this failure enough. I will try to do better in the future and make sure that this game will be the best that it can be.


Oct 02, 2019
Oct 02, 2019

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