Patch v1.04 Notes
Hello everyone! A larger balance patch this time around. Some larger alterations to some classes to help them fit their niche/role better, as well as Offhand equipment changes to make them more competitive with other choices. "Egoist" classes have also been buffed to make their taking two slots in a party more worthwhile.
I want to note a change to the "cursed" classes (Accursed Ones, Cursed Clerics, Cursed Knights, Cursed Mages, and Cursed Thieves). They all had an effect that gave themselves negative Healthsteal, meant to make them more risky and able to KO themselves if not played properly, but it ended up feeling too clunky. These have been changed to Hp Regen penalties. The old penalty meant it was hard to get initial damage on themself for the stat bonuses and attacking at somewhat low health could KO themself. Now their current damage output doesn't affect it, and negative Hp Regen can't get themself KO'd, so risk can be afforded better. Also while most classes got buffed Shielders took a bit of a nerf, but their ARM bonuses were just stacking too high on top of their versatility.
Last note is out of the 80 craftable Offhand equipment items, only 3 were unchanged. Most buffed, a couple altered, a couple nerfed. On to the actual details!
General Changes:
-A run's Difficulty no longer gives enemies +2% reduction to damage from Attack per rank. Initially did this to make skills more valuable in terms of damage because they could feel too similar on characters they really shouldn't, but as individual stats have scaled higher it's now a good time to get rid of this.
-Skills that say things like "more/less likely to be targeted" now specify how much it affects their Aggro.
Class Balance Changes:
-The Academy Wizard's "Cautious Casting" skill now also lowers their Aggro by 50%.
-The Academy Wizard's "Extra Ruin" skill changed from "Deals medium Space damage to a foe based on your LOG. Increase your Attack Count by 1 & the Attack action gains 5% Manasteal for 4 turns." to "Deals medium Space damage to a foe based on your LOG. Grants yourself 5% Mp Regen and 30% damage reduction until you take damage.". The class is meant to reward risk mitigation and safety, and this change is meant to help fit the role better.
-Accursed One's "Vile Strength" skill stat bonus increased from 65% to 75%.
-Accursed One's "Favor of Weakness" skill stat penalty reduced from -30% to -25%.
-Accursed One's "Surpass" skill penalty changed from "-10% Healthsteal" to "-12% Hp Regen".
-Adventurer's "Revolution" skill description has been edited for clarity.
-Archmage's "Audacity" skill changed from "LOG increases the lower your current Hp (up to +65% at 1% Hp). Passive." to "While above 99% Hp, gain 30% LOG and Critical chance. Passive.". There was a bit of anti-synergy with how the passive originally was, and there's enough characters that want to operate at low health for greater power. This establishes the class as one that wants both meters full to be at their best.
-Beast Keeper's "Forage" skill Max Hp & Mp bonus increased from 50% to 75%.
-Beast Keeper's "Caretaker" skill now additionally grants +100% Aggro when above 80% Hp.
-Beast's "Beast" skill now grants 10% Healthsteal.
-Beast's "Domestication" skill now additionally grants +100% Aggro.
-Beast's "Feeding Frenzy" skill changed from "+10% Healthsteal and AGI increases the higher their Hp (up to +70% at 100% Hp)" to "STR, AGI, LOG, DEV, ARM, & SPD increase the lower their current Hp (up to +100% at 1% Hp)".
-Cursed Cleric/Knight/Mage/Thief's "Obscene Devotion/Strength/Logic/Agility" skills now last until KO'd instead of 4 turns, and the penalty has been changed from -15% Healthsteal to -15% Hp Regen.
-Dancer's "Footwork" skill now also grants +100% Aggro.
-Dungeon Master's "Tutelage" skill now affects the party, and is undispellable.
-Entropomancer's "Avatar of Riot" skill changed from "Lose 13% of your Hp per turn but increase your LOG by 80%. Lasts until KO'd." for 4 Mp to "Increases your LOG by 80% for this turn. Does not cost a turn to use; can only use once a turn." for 30% max Hp.
-Fighter's "Surpass Limit" skill changed from "Increases your STR and SPD by 70%. Lasts until KO'd." for 30% of max Hp to "While above 50% Mp, STR and SPD are doubled, as well as Mp costs. Passive.". They're meant to be an easy to use class with their Mp Regen buffs, but with just a little help in cost reduction from equipment it becomes too easy. Likewise the skill's original cost was meant to give them a little more build variety and risk, but this change should make them more interesting to both use in a party as Mp Regen/Crit chance/STR support, and as a class to build around.
-Gambler's "Bluff" skill description wording is less vague.
-Guard's "Patrol" skill Aggro increased from +100% to +200%.
-Healer's "Mental Therapy" skill changed from "Increases one's LOG by 40% & Mp Regen by 5% for 4 turns." for 7 Mp to "Increases one's LOG and Critical damage by 30% & Mp Regen by 3% for 4 turns." for 9 Mp.
-Healer's "Physical Therapy" skill changed from "Increases one's STR by 50% & Hp Regen by 5% for 4 turns." for 7 Mp to "Increases one's STR and Critical damage by 30% & Mp Regen by 3% for 4 turns." for 9 Mp. The Hp Regen buff on a character that has so many direct heals and a HoT already felt like a bit much, and makes them more useful for STR/multistat party support/sustain.
-Hero's "Occult Charging" Mp heal effect reduced from 10% to 8%, but can now critically hit.
-Illusionist's "Disillusion" now states its buff lasts for 4 turns. Functionality unchanged, description fixed.
-Imperial Knight's "Heavy Saunter" skill changed from "Lower your SPD by 60%; increase your STR by 75%. Stance." to "Lower your SPD and Evasion by 50%; increase your STR and Aggro by 100%. Stance."
-Kensei's "Unstoppable" changed from "Immune to SPD, Accuracy, and Attack sealing debuffs. Passive." to "After Turn 3, gain 30% STR, SPD, and Accuracy. Passive.". The theming worked for the class, but the effect didn't reliably come into play and didn't prevent Door effects. Their Mp Regen makes them suited to longer fights, so this should help the class feel better about going for a High Mp/Turn Count build.
-Maid's "Inspection" skill changed from "Removes debuffs from the party. Does not cost a turn to use." for 10 Mp to "Removes two debuffs from the party. Does not cost a turn to use; can only use once a turn." for 6 Mp. As it was and on top of the Mp Regen of Leisure, it just trivialized debuffs. Now Maids should be more in the place of "can get rid of debuffs fast without stopping their healing, but not as fully as other healers".
-Maid's "Leisure" skill's Mp Regen reduced from 8% to 5%. Was just too strong.
-Pirate's "Mutinous" skill changed from "Lose 13% of your Hp per turn; increase your Critical chance & Critical damage by 20%. Stance." to "Lower your ARM by 95%; increase your Aggro, Critical chance, and Critical damage by 25%. Stance." Having the Hp penalty didn't synergize well with being both a uncertain damage buff (due to its own critical buffs) and a certain damage debuff (due to Flow being weakened with the loss of Hp). This change now makes it an appropriately risky skill.
-Pirate's "Shanty" skill heal changed from being based on their AGI to their SPD. Gives more reason to build SPD on them, and means that as they get more injured they heal for more. The stat ratio on the heal remains the same, but this is something that might be changed if it proves too strong/weak.
-Shielder's "Sturdy Bless" ARM buff decreased from 50% to 30%.
-Shielder's "Enduring Repairs" ARM buff decreased from 50% to 30%.
-Shielder's "Forbear" changed from "Lower your SPD, Evasion, and Critical chance by 30% but increase your ARM by 70%. Lasts until KO'd." to "After Turn 3, gain 30% ARM and +100% Aggro. Passive.". Using Forbear on Turn 1 was just too strong an advantage, especially as a tank that's geared toward buffing up themself/the party. This gives them less upfront and overall power (which needed toning down) but gives them extra targeting from enemies to make use of their ARM for its core purpose better.
-Sniper's "Guerilla" now mentions it reduces SPD to 0, and Aggro effect changed from -50% to -100%.
-Spellbow's "Magic Provisions" Healthsteal reduced from 20% to 12%.
-Taboo User's "Engorge" having an Mp cost was a bug and has been removed.
-Taboo User's "Engorge" changed from "Damages the active party based on your LOG, but increases most of your stats by 100% for 4 turns." to "KO's the selected ally, but increases most of your stats by 100% for 4 turns.". Their buff was pretty strong for the cost, so this change fits both thematically and for giving a reviver something to do while the damage dealer prepares for further combat.
-Tempest's "Momentum" skill stat penalty reduced from 35% to 25%. Sage's Fastcast skill is reasonable to have so penalized with their versatility, but Tempests don't have so many options to justify that much of a penalty.
-Thief's "Fade Away" skill changed from "Increases your AGI & SPD by 50% for 4 turns. Makes you less likely to be targeted." for 4 Mp to "Increases one's AGI & SPD by 40% and gets -50% Aggro for 4 turns." for 8 Mp.
-Tourist's "Oblivious" skill changed from "Lower your STR, AGI, LOG, DEV, and SPD by 25%; increase your ARM by 50%. Stance." to "Lower your STR, AGI, LOG, DEV, and SPD by 30%; increase your Max Hp and ARM by 25%. Stance."
Offhand Equipment Balance Changes:
-"The Observer" Accuracy bonus increased from +6% to +15%.
-"Renatt's Pyramid" LOG & DEV bonus increased from +20% to +25%.
-"Unhealthy Orb" Critical chance increased from 4% to 10%.
-"Fiho Yinu" Recovery increased from 15% to 35%.
-"Breaker's Orb" changed from "When your Hp is under 50%, AGI +30% & Accuracy +9%" to "STR, AGI, LOG, & DEV +50%; Accuracy -30%". Only Archers and AGI Cyclops really cared about this item and other options often proved better, so just reworked it. This is something that will hopefully be done sparingly, but might happen in the future to items that just are not good for both their slot and use case.
-"Orb of Solemn Roy" stats increased from "SPD +30% & Mp costs -6%" to "SPD +40% & Mp costs -10%".
-"Dissonant Sphere" baseline Max Mp changed from 5% to a flat 10.
-"Orb of Questions" stats increased from "SPD +20% & Evasion +4%" to "SPD +30% & Evasion +10%".
-"Convection Sphere" changed from "After Turn 9 in battle, LOG +250%." to "After Turn 8 in battle, LOG +125%."
-"Smith's Sidearm" stats increased from "Max Hp +8% & Manasteal +2%" to "Max Hp +10% & Manasteal +3%".
-"Cem's Arms" LOG increased from 20% to 25%.
-"Skillet of Akiko" stat bonus increased from 15% to 20%.
-"The Zawd" AGI & ARM increased from 20% to 25%.
-"The Poor Sap" stats increased from "STR +20% & Critical chance +4%." to "STR +30% & Critical chance +10%.".
-"Yasbu's Backup" Critical chance increased from 6% to 10%.
-"Arcturus's Arms" Critical damage increased from 15% to 25%.
-"Heavy Sidearm" STR & Critical damage increased from 50% to 60%.
-"The Confidant" changed from "On Turn 1 in battle, Attack count +3" to "On Turn 1 in battle, Attack count +5, and Accuracy & Critical damage +40%".
-"Bathroom Sidearm" changed from "After Turn 9 in battle, STR +250%." to "After Turn 8 in battle, STR +125%."
-"Folz" stats increased from "Max Hp +8% & single-target damage taken -4%." to "Max Hp +10% & single-target damage taken -5%.".
-"Runestone Pouch" Mp cost reduction increased from -4% to -8%.
-"Iion Ammo" stats increased from "Max Mp +8% & Manasteal +2%" to "Max Mp +10% & Manasteal +3%".
-"The Backup Plan" AGI & LOG increased from 30% to 40%.
-"Expired Ammo" AGI & SPD increased from 30% to 40%.
-"Ignited Rain" stats increased from "LOG +20% & Evasion +4%" to "LOG +25% & Evasion +10%".
-"Flasks of Mateus" Mp cost reduction increased from -6% to -10%.
-"Viable Munitions" STR & LOG increased from 30% to 40%.
-"Delicate Ammunition" AGI & Critical damage increased from 50% to 60%.
-"Cishda's Munitions" changed from "After Turn 9 in battle, AGI +250%." to "After Turn 8 in battle, AGI +125%."
-"Ancient Constitution" LOG & Max Mp increased from 8% to 11%.
-"Grave Tablet" LOG & DEV increased from 30% to 40%.
-"Battlefield Memoriam" single-target damage reduction increased from 6% to 12%.
-"Relaxing Tablet" stats increased from "LOG +20% & Evasion +4%" to "LOG +25% & Evasion +10%".
-"Slab of Butchery" AGI & ARM increased from 20% to 33%.
-"Htehko's Ward" stats increased from "SPD +30% & single-target damage taken -6%" to "SPD +40% & single-target damage taken -10%"
-"Wilma's Stiff Sign" stats increased from "ARM +30% & Accuracy +9%" to "ARM +40% & Accuracy +10%".
-"Memorial of Ne" LOG & Critical damage increased from 50% to 60%.
-"Piedra de Luna" Mp cost reduction lowered from 90% to 65%.
-"Grail of Tariffs" Mp cost reduction increased from -4% to -10%.
-"Pulsing Chalice" SPD & ARM increased from 20% to 30%.
-"Holy Relic" stats increased from "DEV +20% & Critical chance +4%" to "DEV +25% & Critical chance +10%".
-"Shira's Cleansing" stats increased from "SPD +20% & single-target damage taken -4%" to "SPD +30% & single-target damage taken -10%"
-"Grail of the Keep" Recovery increased from 10% to 25%.
-"Ippwidden Chapel Chalice" DEV & ARM increased from 30% to 35%.
-"Kwittnmot's Conceit" stats increased from "AGI +30% & Accuracy +9%" to "AGI +35% & Accuracy +15%".
-"Cup of Starlight" Recovery increased from 15% to 25%.
-"Chapel Grail" DEV & Critical damage increased from 50% to 60%.
-"Setettep's Cup" changed from "After Turn 9 in battle, DEV +250%." to "After Turn 8 in battle, DEV +125%."
-"Waver" stats increased from "SPD +8% & Manasteal +2%" to "SPD +11% & Manasteal +3%".
-"Field Projector" multi-target damage reduction increased from 4% to 12%.
-"Thunderous Guard" stats increased from "ARM +20% & Critical damage +10%" to "ARM & Critical damage +25%".
-"Denatured Buckler" Mp cost reduction increased from -6% to -10%.
-"Buckler of Crisping" Accuracy increased from 9% to 15%.
-"Steel Rosemary" changed from "AGI +30% & Critical damage +15%" to "AGI +30%, Critical damage +25%, & +100% Aggro".
-"Uahi's Guard" Critical damage increased from 15% to 25%.
-"Remica's Devotion" SPD & Critical damage increased from 50% to 60%.
-"Kaa's Reflections" changed from "After Turn 9 in battle, ARM +250%." to "After Turn 8 in battle, ARM +125%."
-"Ealoc" changed from "STR & Max Hp +8%" to "STR & Max Hp +10%. +100% Aggro".
-"Iaat's Shield" changed from "DEV +8% & Mp Regen +1%" to "Max Hp, Max Mp, & DEV +9%".
-"Shield of Authority" Accuracy increased from 6% to 15%.
-"Divine Aegis" stats increased from "AGI +20% & Mp costs -4%" to "AGI +25% & Mp costs -10%".
-"Meteoric Shield" multi-target damage reduction increased from 4% to 12%.
-"Scarred Guard" stats increased from "ARM +30% & Mp costs -6%" to "ARM +40% & Mp costs -10%".
-"World of Achilles" single-target damage reduction increased from 6% to 15%.
-"Stone Shield" Mp cost reduction increased from -6% to -12%.
-"Stricken Shield" Recovery increased from 15% to 30%.
-"Rusted Legacy" ARM & Critical damage increased from 50% to 60%.
-"The Red Wall" stats increased from "Max Hp +8% & Critical chance +3%" to "Max Hp +20 & Critical chance +5%".
-"Wall of Dreams" DEV and Max Hp increased from 8% to 10%.
-"Rotogoan Shield" stats increased from "ARM +20% & Accuracy +6%" to "ARM +25% & Accuracy +10%".
-"Meat Shield" Max Hp changed from 5% to a flat 16.
-"Iron Subtlety" stats increased from "ARM +20% & Mp costs -4%" to ARM +25% & Mp costs -15%".
-"Riotous Shield" stats increased from "ARM +20% & multi-target damage taken -4%" to "ARM +30% & multi-target damage taken -10%".
-"Tower of Boosting" multi-target damage reduction increased from 6% to 10%.
-"Door to Yavazimu" changed from "On Turn 1 in battle, take 90% reduced damage" to "On Turn 1 in battle, gain 90% damage reduction, 30% Evasion, and death immunity". It's meant to be an item that for sure gets you through the first turn, and now it really should.
-"Aerrl's Insult" changed from "After Turn 9 in battle, SPD +250%." to "After Turn 8 in battle, SPD +125%."
-"Legion's Shield" Attack count bonus increased from +1 to +3.
A really long patch, and next one might be similar. More equipment rebalancing to increase viability of options, and other adjustments that need testing. Feel free to leave a comment and let us know if there's any classes/characters that you think need a little extra love.
As always, thank you for your patience and support.
Get Purgatory Dungeoneer
Purgatory Dungeoneer
A roguelite RPG about plundering a psychic hellmaw for personal closure, and building a village beyond the grave.
Status | Released |
Author | Damien Crawford |
Genre | Role Playing |
Tags | 2D, Pixel Art, Retro, Singleplayer |
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