Patch 1.041 Notes

Hello everyone! A lot of crafted equipment changes again, mostly in the Weapon, Chest, and Legs slots. Other slots were all roughly appropriate for their Gold equipment power level, but these slots (and Offhands in the last patch) just didn't feel worthwhile.

This time we're just noting crafted equipment with changed functionality; there's 328 items adjusted and most of them are weapons that just had numbers tuned up. Effects that activate when there are many enemies in the current battle alive/KO'd, ones that grant resistance to single/multi-target damage, accuracy, and added critical damage saw the largest increases.

Several weapons were granting negative Healthsteal and have been changed to negative Hp Regen. This helps give characters that function best at low Hp more safety and keep them from accidentally KO'ing themselves while still maintaining a level of risk; just a more consistent risk.

Changed Weapons:
-"Durandal" changed from "STR +8% & Hp Regen +2%." to "Max Hp & Hp Regen +15%; Mp Regen -5%". Makes a character much more durable if you have Mp Regen buffs/don't care if they don't use abilities.
-"The Countess" changed from "STR +8% & Healthsteal +4%." to "STR, AGI, LOG, DEV, SPD, ARM, & Healthsteal +8%.".
-"Uahi's Rapier" changed from "STR +8% & Mp Regen +1%." to "STR +30% & Mp Regen +10%. Max Mp -30%.". This and a few other weapons follow this template. Meant as an option for sustained, low-burst damage.
-"Eon's Slinger" changed from "ARM +8% & Healthsteal +4%." to "Max Hp, ARM, & Healthsteal +10%.".
-"Forgotten Book" changed from "LOG +8% & Mp Regen +1%." to "LOG +30% & Mp Regen +10%. Max Mp -30%.".
-"Valeria's Bible" changed from "DEV +8% & Healthsteal +4%." to "DEV, Critical chance, Critical damage, & Healthsteal +9%". Was essentially a worse Scythe, so made it a bit more specific.
-"Master's Lance" changed from "+35% STR, AGI, LOG, DEV, SPD, & ARM; +100% Mp costs." to "+60% STR, AGI, LOG, & DEV; +100% Mp costs.".
-"Soul Chain" changed from "Recovery -50%. When more than 3 enemies remain, Hp Regen +6%. Else, +13% Healthsteal." to "Recovery +100%.". Was too clumsy to use before; this adjustment makes it consistent to use and gives an interesting choice for a support that you want to give double Hp/Mp healing to.
-"Denominator" changed from "AGI & Max Mp +8%." to "AGI +30% & Mp Regen +10%. Max Mp -30%.".
-"Saloon Censer" changed from "When more than 3 enemies remain, DEV +20% & Evasion +4%." to "DEV +30% & Mp Regen +10%. Max Mp -30%.".
-"Legacy of Dracule" changed from "Lifesteal +15%; ARM -20%." to "Max Hp, Critical chance, & Healthsteal +15%; ARM -60%.". Now gives some extra damage and survivability changes that certain characters/classes can make better use of.
-"Itdan Hunting Gun" changed from "AGI +8% & Hp Regen +2%." to "AGI +30% & Hp Regen +10%. Max Hp -30%.".
-"Iron Maiden" changed from "When more than 3 enemies remain, -10% Healthsteal. Else, +25% STR, AGI, LOG, DEV." to "-20% Hp Regen; +50% STR, AGI, LOG, & DEV.".

Changed Weapons that can only be used by Cursed classes (Accursed Ones, Cursed Clerics, Cursed Knights, Cursed Mages, & Cursed Thieves):
-"Barrow's Spear" changed from "DEV increases the lower your current Hp (up to +100% at 1% Hp)." to "-10% Hp Regen. DEV increases the lower your current Hp (up to +120% at 1% Hp).".
-"Selm's Greatsword" changed from "STR increases the lower your current Hp (up to +100% at 1% Hp)." to "-10% Hp Regen. STR increases the lower your current Hp (up to +120% at 1% Hp).".
-"Orpha's Grimoire" changed from "LOG increases the lower your current Hp (up to +100% at 1% Hp)." to "-10% Hp Regen. LOG increases the lower your current Hp (up to +120% at 1% Hp).".
-"Portem's Knife" changed from "AGI increases the lower your current Hp (up to +100% at 1% Hp)." to "-10% Hp Regen. AGI increases the lower your current Hp (up to +120% at 1% Hp).".
-"Staff of Y'mera" changed from "Critical chance & Critical damage +20%; Hp & Mp -20%." to "Max Hp & Mp -30%; Critical damage +250%.".
-"The Akilos" changed from "SPD increases the lower your current Hp (up to +100% at 1% Hp)." to "-10% Hp Regen. SPD increases the lower your current Hp (up to +120% at 1% Hp).".
-"The Misguided" changed from "ARM increases the lower your current Hp (up to +100% at 1% Hp)." to "-10% Hp Regen. ARM increases the lower your current Hp (up to +120% at 1% Hp).".
-"Carnage of Zetojebopo" changed from "-20% STR, AGI, LOG, DEV. When 2 enemies have been KO'd, +30% Critical chance & damage. Doubled at 4 KO'd." to "-20% Hp Regen. When 2 enemies have been KO'd, +50% Critical chance & damage. Doubled at 4 KO'd.".

Other Equipment changes:
-"Vitus Milae" additionally grants "If below 10% Hp, Hp Regen +20%.".
-"Tatterdemalion" additionally grants "If below 10% Hp, Mp Regen +10%.".
-"Casual Robe" changed from "Max Hp +8% & Hp Regen +2%." to "Max Hp +50 & Hp Regen +4%. ARM -20.".
-"Yuliana's Tunic" changed from "Max Hp +8% & Accuracy +5%." to "Max Hp +40 & Accuracy +10%.".
-"Teteaian Kilt" changed from "ARM & Max Hp +10%." to "Max Hp, ARM, Accuracy, Recovery, & healing from HoTs +8%.".
-"Decorum's Thorn" changed from "Before Turn 4 in battle, ARM +30% & single-target damage taken -6%." to "Before Turn 4 in battle, ARM +30% & Counter chance +10%.".
-"Teteaian Pants" changed from "ARM & Max Mp +10%." to "Max Mp, ARM, Accuracy, Recovery, & healing from HoTs +8%.".
-"Die Pants" changed from "When Mp is above 50%, LOG +20% & Accuracy +6%." to "STR, AGI, LOG, & DEV +25%; Critical chance -6%.".
-"Teteaian Cargos" changed from "Max Hp & Mp +10%." to "Max Hp, Max Mp, Accuracy, Recovery, & healing from HoTs +8%.".
-"Petrified Greaves" changed from "Max Hp +8% & Evasion +4%." to "Max Hp & Critical damage +11%.".
-"Quuwuuriak's Vital Steel" changed from "When your Hp is under 50%, LOG +30% & single-target damage taken -6%." to "Can't be critically hit.".
-"Emphatic Heels" changed from "Max Mp +8% & multi-target damage taken -4%." to "Max Mp +10% & DoT damage taken -10%.".

Next patch will be coming next month, so stay tuned! Thank you all for your patience and support.


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