Patch v1.22: Brief bug fixing

Hello everyone! Small patch today with two fixes. Apologies for anyone affected by them.

-After doing someone's first Remembrance Quest, Dungeon Difficulty would remain set to 4 and would set the biome to one of the first four randomly, allowing people to access some biomes and difficulty settings earlier than intended. This has been fixed.
-A rare bug was resetting the progress of a player's town (in a way I couldn't replicate). Now when you leave the Guild, it checks what your current story quest is and makes sure that all quests prior to that are considered complete. If you encounter this bug or appear to have fewer places in your town after doing something, entering and exiting the Guild will fix it. If you replicate this bug, PLEASE comment here or contact me in some way.

That's all for now, and thank you all for your patience and support!


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